Friday, December 23, 2011

2 Weeks!

Oh gosh...just realized how soon we start classes!  Orientation is 2 weeks from today...actually in 2 weeks from now I will have already completed my orientation for the program. 
Christmas eve is tomorrow! I have a tradition in my family that we just started about 3 years ago for Christmas eve.  We go out for Chinese food. Then hopefully I can go home and sleep so Christmas morning can be here!  I am anxious, just a big kid at heart here around the holidays!
I wish I had known I was going to PA school this soon before I had to make up my Christmas lists for my family.  I would have asked from some gift cards to clothing stores to get more business casual/dressier outfits to wear to class.  My program does not allow jeans or t-shirts.  You must wear closed toed shoes, collared shirts, and white coat at all times while on the school grounds.  This is a far cry from my jeans and sweatshirt look that lasted me all through undergrad. 
For my birthday in June, I had already known that I wanted to go to PA school and had already just about finished my applications.  My in-laws gave me a stethoscope for my birthday and I could not have been more excited! Although I already somewhat had an idea that I might be getting one I was so shocked when I saw it was a Littman Cardiology III; by far one of the best grade stethoscopes out there.  I can't wait to put it to use in probably just another month or 2.

So since I will not be blogging tomorrow or the day after, I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday!  Enjoy the day; be worry free from school work and the stress of everything, and just relax.  Spend it with the ones you love and be merry!


  1. Excellent work! Congratulations to you. I wish you well in your PA studies; you're gonna love it!

  2. Thank you SLP! I appreciate the support and kind words. I have been looking forward to starting PA school for 3 years now and am so glad it is finally a reality!
