Saturday, April 14, 2012

2 Weeks of Finals!

Hi Everyone! Here is my lastest blog/vlog post! Sorry this is more or less a video blog now..i just have a lot to tell you all and not enough time to sit down and type it all out ;)


  1. Very nice video, I've been accepted recently and start in Aug. Is there any particular subject you wish you brushed up on prior the beginning of your schooling?

    1. Hi PA-C! SOrry it took me so long to respond. Just finished with finals week on Friday so I am finally getting back on my blog since these hectic past few weeks! But I do reccomend a couple of things, I listed it in a previous blog post but copy and pasted it here. I hope it helps! Congrats on getting accepted!!! That is a huge accomplishment in and of itself. Relish in the moment :)
      1) Brush up on your anatomy! Know the flow of blood through the heart to the body, know what different muscles do throughout the body, learn your cranial nerves, etc. This will only help you since, in my program, anatomy is only 1 semester...16 weeks. To know the WHOLE body. So yes, brush up on that :)
      2) Learn common medical terminology. I had an exam the first day of class on med term and it will only help you in the long run to know this

      Thanks for reading!!
